New! Mint Pulling Oil

Posted on December 14 2020

You may have tried our Super Mint Pulling Oil Mouthwash already, maybe not! Either way we want to tell you exactly why the ingredients were selected for the flavor. Our ingredients are  known for all of their antiseptic and healing benefits to help with toothaches from cavities, post dentist procedures, and sores. Oil Pulling is an ancient ayurvedic practice for eliminating bad breath, promoting healthy oral care of teeth and gums, and helping prevent long term diseases.

Mint flavor has been associated with oral care since the 1800’s. The natural menthol in mint tricks our brains into thinking our mouth feels “cool/icy”. This feeling has been associated with “clean/fresh” since. However, mint has been used for many medicinal purposes before it was  ever used in oral care products. 

Mint can help relieve ailments like, headaches, nausea, coughing, inflammation, and even allergic reactions or itchiness. So in addition to helping our oral health, oil pulling may help you relieve a headache, bout of nausea, or cold symptoms. 

How to Oil Pull with The Dirt Pulling Oil

Our Pulling Oil can be used in two ways; as a 2-3 minute mouthwash or a 15-20 minute oil pulling session. Use a capful (or tablespoon) amount of oil to swish through your mouth, teeth and gums for the suggested amount of time to pull out impurities that affect oral health. The oils will dislodge junk from your teeth and gums so there is no need to brush your teeth before starting. Spit the oil into the trash or a plastic bag because it is not good for your drains. Rinse with water or salt water and look at your fresh smile in the mirror! 

Tag is on social media with #givemethedirt for chances to win gift cards every month. We want to see how you use our products and your naturally white smiles!

Ingredients:  MCT Coconut Oil (Cocos Nucifera), Sesame Oil (Sesamum Indicum), Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae Rhamnoides), Essential Oils of: Peppermint (Mentha Piperita), Clove (Syzyglum Aromaticum), Tea Tree (Leptospermum Petersonii) Rose , Stevia Extract (Stevia Rebaudiana), Natural Menthol and Rosemary Extract (Rosmarinus Officinalis). CONTAINS COCONUT 

MCT Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil is an amazing moisturizer, even for your gums. It is antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and helps prevent bacteria development that causes Strep, Candida, and Staph. It’s antiseptic properties make it the perfect remedy for small cuts and mouth sores. 

Sesame Oil

Sesame Oil helps eliminate oral malodor and the microbes that cause it just as much as other methods. Sesame Oil is proven to have anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-plaque effects when used as a pulling oil. Tyrosine in  sesame oil is linked to serotonin which helps boost mood levels and decrease anxiety. 

Sea Buckthorn

Sea Buckthorn is an anti-inflammatory that soothes and reduces redness in the mouth. It is known for it’s in depth vitamin, antioxidant and flavonoid content which is good for your immune system  to fight infection and cell regeneration.

Essential Oils of Peppermint, Clove, and Tea Tree

We used these essential oils for their taste and elimination of bad breath (especially Peppermint). They also provide relief for tooth and gum pain, or pain from cuts and ulcers. Clove contains the active ingredient benzocaine, the same thing dentists use to numb areas of the mouth before procedures.  

Natural Menthol and Rosemary Extract

These two oils are natural preservatives which help prevent bacteria growth and extend the shelf-life of Pulling Oil.

Use code: OP5 for $5 off Pulling Oil purchases



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