How to BOGO

Posted on March 02 2017

Want to take advantage of our awesome buy two get one deal but having a hard time figuring out if you did it right?

We made this step by step guide to help you ensure you are getting as much Dirt as you want.

Step 1: Select your size

Some products come in multiple sizes, your first step is to select the size of product you would like from the drop down.

Step 2: Select BOGO (Buy two get one free)
Click the second drop down menu and select the Buy 2 Get 1 Free option.

Step 3: Ensure you selected BOGO

It is easy to tell if you have selected our BOGO offer, the image should change to show 3 iems grouped together and the drop down menu should now say "Buy 2 get 1 Free"

Step 4: OPTIONAL, Add more bogo items!
Want to get all of your holiday shopping done in one go? Have a bunch of personal training clients to thank? We give you the option of getting more than one set of BOGO items or not.


  • If you are only looking to buy one bogo offer (receive 3 items total) leave this quantity as 1

  • If you would like to get two or more BOGO deals, simply change the quantity and you will receive a multiple of 3 for whatever quantity you select.

    • (for example, change the quantity to 2 and receive 6 items, quantity 3 and receive 9 items so on and so forth.)

Step 5: Add your selection to cart.
The easiest part, just click the big orange button.

Step 6: How it will look in the cart.

Below you will see two examples of the same item added to a cart. One is a BOGO offer and the other is not. You will see that the BOGO offer (circled in green) Says "Buy 2 get 1 Free!" at the end of the item name. Where as the single item (underlined in red) says "No thanks just 1"

That's it! Your off to a new life of bright smiles and fresh breath for the rest of your life. (If you chose the BOGO offer with a quantity of 23!)



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