How to BOGO
β’Posted on March 02 2017
Want to take advantage of our awesome buy two get one deal but having a hard time figuring out if you did it right?
We made this step by step guide to help you ensure you are getting as much Dirt as you want.
Step 1: Select your size
Some products come in multiple sizes, your first step is to select the size of product you would like from the drop down.
Step 2: Select BOGO (Buy two get one free)
Click the second drop down menu and select the Buy 2 Get 1 Free option.
Step 3: Ensure you selected BOGO
It is easy to tell if you have selected our BOGO offer, the image should change to show 3 iems grouped together and the drop down menu should now say "Buy 2 get 1 Free"
Step 4: OPTIONAL, Add more bogo items!
Want to get all of your holiday shopping done in one go? Have a bunch of personal training clients to thank? We give you the option of getting more than one set of BOGO items or not.
If you are only looking to buy one bogo offer (receive 3 items total) leave this quantity as 1
If you would like to get two or more BOGO deals, simply change the quantity and you will receive a multiple of 3 for whatever quantity you select.
(for example, change the quantity to 2 and receive 6 items, quantity 3 and receive 9 items so on and so forth.)